Clearing pathways that block you from your desired outcome

Work with Beth

Beth has been practicing energy work for over 20 years and has created the B Shaw Method: a one-on-one process that combines the akashic records, light language, and light body alignment - creating a tailored experience for each person and their unique needs. I'm here to support your soul's journey - an energetic partner to help illuminate and clear your life's path. 

What is the B Shaw Method?

The B shaw method works with energy and the Akashic Records to heal and clear whatever is stopping you from creating your desired outcomes.

My process will allow you to fulfill your true destiny or who you want to be in the world -becoming your unique self.

Are you ready to turn your switch on?

  • "Beth is a natural healer. I have known her, and known this to be true about her, for 20+ years. She is kind and candid in a way that is so rare. She will meaningfully support you in what you’re creating for your life, hold you to account to yourself, and help you get out of your own way."

    Hanah S.

  • "Beth is an amazing Akashic Record reader, intuitive, and healer. Grounded and guided, Beth is able to access your records and other information with ease. Recently, she supported me in clearing my house for sale. She was spot-on with her information and her unique clearing techniques provided for a swift house sale for me!”

    Lara Jaye

  • "Beth is gifted at seeing and intuiting exactly what you need at the time you need it. I recently worked with Beth on seeing where my energy was draining. We worked together to close the leaks and within 24 hours I was highly productive feeling 1000% like myself again!"

    Heather Leah